Welcome to Middle Swan Primary School

Welcome to Middle Swan PS, a school that has an outstanding reputation for helping students and their families achieve their full potential. 

Our school motto of  'Excellence and Respect' is pursued by both staff and students  in all teaching and learning and threaded through every part of school life. The new Staff Charter very clearly communicates that we are one team who strives to support every child to reach their potential.

Middle Swan PS has been an Independent Public School since 2011, enabling us to use resources that create a school environment that is well equipped to meet the needs of all students. We have a beautiful Nature Playground, built outside the undercover area, and a specialist computer program that all Year 1-6 students access. We have a refurbished science classroom, with new  furniture and resources and we are constantly renewing furniture in classrooms or upgrading parts of the playground. More recently student facilities were upgraded in the older blocks to provide state of the art bathrooms.

The school has three key priorities;  English, Numeracy and Wellbeing. We know that the foundations of English and Numeracy set our students up for further success.  Talk 4 Writing, Talk 4 Reading, Spelling Mastery and Oxford Maths are whole school practices for Years 1-6.

Our early interventions are 'second to none'.  Multi lit and Mini lit are used to provide literacy support in the junior years. We place particular focus on oral language in the junior years by implementing an oral language program called Language Express and using the services of a speech pathologist to assess all Kindy students for intervention requirements.  Our three year old program "Cygnets", run out of the Child and Parent Centre, is also hugely successful in preparing children to be school ready.Over recent years our student results have value added markedly reflecting the impact of such interventions. 

The onsite Child and Parent Centre(CPC) is an integral part of the school, offerring support services to both students and parents. Services include a Medical Doctor, counselling, speech pathology and a variety of adult education programs. Students also benefit from the use of the CPC bus that provides a pick up service for children requiring additional support getting to school in the mornings. 

At Middle Swan considerable focus is placed on staff development in the use of evidence based practices. Explicit teaching strategies and tier 2 and 3 behaviour interventions add considerable value to the quality of teaching and learning in our school. 

Our website has been designed with two key functions in mind; firstly to service the needs of the school community and  provide a portal to school resources, decisions and support options that are available for families. Secondly, the site aims to present a transparent and clear impression of the school to the wider community. Welcome to Middle Swan Primary School.

Frances Coventry

School Newsletter